Hunting From A Ground Blind

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Primary Blog/Traditional Bowhunting Tips/Hunting From A Ground Blind

Hunting From A Ground Blind

If you folks have followed me for any amount of time you know I hunt off the ground far more than I tree stand hunt. The majority of animals I have taken have been from the ground, either spot and stalk hunting, still hunting or using a ground blind of some sort.

Now, before I go any further, yes, it is harder than a tree stands for some reasons I will outline below.

The payoff in my opinion is that in the end, over time, you’re a better hunter period, for the failure that comes along with ground hunting is a great teacher when it comes to the silent art of traditional bowhunting.  When success does come when hunting from the ground, the hard work that went into that process will feel that much greater as the learning curve continues on your path of the traditional bowhunter.

Ground Blind Advantages & Disadvantages:

Good mobility but lack of visual on area can be restricted - you can move easily though to set up again if you need to relocate.

At animal's eye level for predator awareness & movement issues.

Practice shooting from varied positions, use the rule of 3  when training to shoot off the ground:

Position - Angle - Distance

I was able to take a Tom turkey at around ten feet shooting off my stomach on a stalk once.  I had practiced shooting from this position that year frequently after not being able to get a shot off under similar conditions the year prior.

The effort paid off.

You will be in an animal's scent cone for predators - wind direction knowledge is imperative. You will get busted more often on the ground.

Wind direction knowhow is critical.

Setup is very easy/fast can occur anywhere- not restricted by terrain only available cover.

 Ground blinds should be set up for stalks if the situation dictates - HAVE A PLAN!

We will cover this in an upcoming newsletter.

Pro tips:

Cover is key! Use available cover and shadows.

Knowledge of terrain is critical - When coming and going in and out of different types...

Find shadow & use available natural cover.

Shoot like you will hunt PRACTICE! ➡️P.A.D. Rule of 3!

Position - Angle - Distance

If using a Pop up/Hub blind - ensure you set it up for deer well in advance to allow the animals to get used to it and for the human scent to blow off the blind.

Do not over hunt the blind!

Animals may pattern you if you hunt it too often.

Set up for shot success:

1. Locate a convergence! 2 or more! and have a secondary location as an alternative
2. Set up in between bed and feeding areas!
3. Clear shooting lanes (ELR) and practice from the stand-limb clearance!
4. Edges & Breaks - Handrails & Natural Cover changes
5. Broadside/quartering and high - Anatomy Review!

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Hi, I Am Grant Richardson

CEO Of  The Ethical Predator

Grant Richardson is from Ontario, Canada; he was raised into traditional bowhunting and bushcraft from a young age. Born into a family that has deep roots in both the bowhunting and fly-fishing community. Grant has developed a unique method of shooting, specifically for bowhunting and instinctive archery based on pressure testing for hunting situations and runs a mentoring program for those new to traditional bowhunting. Creating a fusion between functional martial arts training and archery, the program is specifically geared towards people making the switch from a compound bow to traditional. Grant is a featured writer in The Traditional Bowhunter Magazine and Compton Traditional Bowhunting Magazine and the author & host of The Code of Traditional Archery.